Putting The Power In The People’s Hands

Mediation Confidentiality Violation Practice

Mediation in Florida is confidential by law.  When a bad actor discloses confidential communications made for the mediation, the law provides remedies, including an injunction to stop the publications, money damages, and reasonable attorney’s fees.  Mintz Truppman’s Mediation Confidentiality Violation practice pursues claims against those who use mediation as a weapon, instead of a means for settlement outside of Court.  The violator is generally responsible to pay all of the attorney’s fees, so it does not cost you fees, or we litigate for you on a contingency basis, so you do not owe any attorney’s fees unless we recover for you.  Your mediation conference could have occurred in any type of case, first party property, commercial litigation, family law, etc.

There is very little case law on the litigation of these claims, and Mintz Truppman has litigated Mediation Confidentiality Violation cases all the way to the Florida appellate courts.  Since the large majority of cases are resolved through settlement, the integrity of mediation confidentiality is our passionate concern.

We are a family firm, we do not take on a large volume of cases, and we are patient, because our priority is the care of our clients.