Putting The Power In The People’s Hands

Your Insurance Rights

No matter how valid your property damage claim may be — after an accident, fire or hurricane — many insurance companies will go to great lengths to break their promise on the policy they wrote, which is their contract with you.

Insurers have been known to delay, deny and decrease amounts of coverage payments after policyholders sustain substantial damage. If your claims process has been slow to unfold or you have been “low-balled” by an insurance company, you can fight back — and the attorneys of Mintz Truppman, P.A., are glad to join that fight.

We are the lawyers who changed the face of insurance law in Florida. For many decades, we have successfully handled claims for policyholders who were being taken advantage of by insurance companies. We have the resources, responsive service and reputation statewide that can work to your advantage.

We Know How To Deal With Uncooperative Insurance Companies

Have denied insurance claims or delayed insurance payments plagued you during your struggle to rebuild a home or office after an “act of God?” One look at our case results shows you that we can help the victims of insurance bad faith.

To arrange an initial consultation with us in Miami, please call 305-893-5506 or remain at our website to send an email message.