Helping You Handle The Impact Of Broken Plumbing
Your plumbing system is part of your insured Florida home. When underground plumbing breaks, a pipe breaks or a shower pan fails – these are unexpected developments that can cause serious damage.
With so much at stake, including the cost of repairs, and possibly the cost of living elsewhere while the construction is ongoing, you need to know about your legal and insurance options right away. If your insurer has resisted doing “the right thing,” or has delayed, denied or decreased what you should have received, in the way of compensation, the skilled and respected insurance law firm of Mintz Truppman, P.A., can help. Our experienced attorneys deal with issues like this on a daily basis.
When Plumbing Or Appliances Break, We Work Hard To Put Your Life Back Together
In a day when advances in creature comforts have caused us to take our energy sources, appliances and plumbing for granted, most people would not believe how much water can come out of a refrigerator, air conditioning, washing machine or dishwasher when it breaks.
Even if the water damage is minimal, the cost of accessing the pipe or equipment to repair it can be 10 times the cost of the water damage itself. Your insurance company may even tell you to repair it in a way that is impossible in your city or town. Your insurance company does not always agree with the value of your belongings or the cost for the kind of flooring or cabinetry that needs to be replaced. These are the kinds of questions that an experienced insurance lawyer can help with.
Your first step toward putting this plumbing insurance claim crisis behind you is a free initial consultation with one of our knowledgeable Mintz Truppman, P.A., lawyers in Miami. We welcome your call to 305-893-5506 or your email message.