Building a home is a wonderful experience that allows you to build a home that suits your needs. You can pick out all the details of the design and details.
Choosing professionals to help you take your home from idea to fully constructed building is something to take seriously because you need to ensure you work with people who have the right skills and knowledge. However, even after carefully putting together your building team, you may still end up with a construction defect.
How a defect occurs
According to the Florida Statutes, a defect in construction can occur at any stage of the process. It could occur when working on the design or during construction. Most of the time, defects are unintentional issues that occur during the building process.
What defects include
A defect can be a mistake made in the actual construction process where the contractor does something against local building codes. It could also be a design that fails to meet professional standards or a result of materials that are not up to code or that have other issues. In general, a defect will be something that does meet the standards of the trade, law or other set standards for the industry.
In most cases, a construction defect will impact your ability to use your home. It may also pose a safety risk. The law allows you to hold individuals responsible for defects they create. However, there is a time limit on claims, so you should act quickly as soon as you release there is a potential defect in your new home.