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How can you prevent damage from the roof?

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2020 | Homeowner Claims

You may think that Florida’s weather spares you from roof damage. After all, you do not have to deal with a deluge of rain and snow. Extreme humidity is not a frequent problem, either. 

But roof damage comes in all forms. Florida’s weather has its own unique roof damage risks. And roof damage causes many other structural issues in the home. 

What should you keep an eye out for?

You can lower the risk of roof damage through frequent inspections. Forbes discusses what to look for when you inspect your roof. First, they suggest looking inside for potential water damage before getting on top. This prevents you from falling through weak spots. 

One on the roof, look for: 

  • Your roof’s age 
  • Curled or buckling shingles 
  • Roof board issues 
  • Damaged roof valleys 
  • Multiple layers of roof material 
  • Flashing damage 

Where are damage indicators?

Knowing your roof’s age is crucial. Asphalt roofs tend to last between 20 to 25 years. This lifespan might increase or decrease depending on the weather in your area and how well you care for it. 

Curled or buckling shingles indicate inadequate venting in attic spaces. They may also indicate poorly installed shingles. Roof boards will often have a bouncy or spongy feeling if damaged, so keep an eye out for that. 

Roof valleys are the v-shaped areas that run the folds of the roof. They help debris and water flow to the gutters. If there are missing or damaged shingles in these areas, that can cause leakage. 

Sometimes, roof repairs entail placing one layer of roof over a preexisting layer. This creates bulk and can also make your roof more susceptible to weather damage. Finally, flashing is the sealant around projections like skylights and chimneys. Excessive heat, storms and heavy rain can damage it. If flashing cracks or peels, water can get through and soak into the roof. With issues like these, it only takes a single rain to start causing trouble.