When you first purchase a house, the insurance coverage you sign up for may seem like a fantastic deal. However, when the time comes, and you ask your home insurance adjuster how much they will cover for property damage, they may provide an unsatisfactory estimate....
Month: May 2023
Dealing with the aftermath of a house fire
The entire experience of witnessing a house fire is terrifying enough. Imagine if it was your house. Your property and personal belongings burn while you stand powerless, unable to move until the unforgiving flames devour your home and the memories within....
Does homeowner’s insurance cover storm damage to my home?
Hurricanes pose considerable danger to Florida homeowners. Whether you are purchasing a new home, choosing insurance providers, or considering mortgage options, it would help to understand what your homeowner’s insurance covers regarding storm damage. Damage under...
Why do insurers have difficulty covering old roofing?
With the Atlantic hurricane season fast approaching, many Florida homeowners are concerned that their properties will once more be at the mercy of tropical storms. Since 1851, about 120 hurricanes have battered Florida – the most recorded hurricanes in any U.S. state....